On January 6, 2025, the Houthi Armed Forces in Yemen once again claimed to have launched a missile and drone attack on the US aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman in the Red Sea. This marks the third time in half a month that the Houthi Armed Forces have claimed to have attacked the carrier. The background of this attack is the US military’s preparation for a large-scale airstrike on Yemen, which the Houthi spokesman Yahya Sare’a described as “successfully thwarting the US airstrike.”

The Houthi Armed Forces’ military operations are not limited to attacks on US aircraft carriers but also include multiple strikes on targets in Tel Aviv and other locations in Israel. The Houthi Armed Forces’ military capabilities are supported by Iran, equipping them with high-performance anti-ship missiles, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles. In addition, the Houthi Armed Forces possess self-made hypersonic missiles, which give them a certain level of combat capability when facing strong adversaries.

The frequent attacks by the Houthi Armed Forces have had a profound impact on the situation in the Middle East. Firstly, they have intensified the tensions in the region, further straining the relationships between the United States and countries such as Iran and Saudi Arabia. Secondly, the global energy market has been affected, with the security of energy transportation in the Red Sea region once again becoming a focal point of international concern. Additionally, the actions of the Houthi Armed Forces have sparked widespread speculation about their backing forces.

In response to the provocations of the Houthi Armed Forces, there have been calls within the United States for a stronger crackdown. However, the US military presence in the Middle East is not only about its own security but also about the stability of global energy supply. Therefore, whether the US military strategy in the region needs adjustment and how the Houthi Armed Forces’ tactics will change the global military landscape are questions that will undoubtedly lead to more discussions and reflections on the international stage in the future.

By shook

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